Tuesday, February 12, 2008

100 Sales and A Bit About Me!

Well, I have to say my blog has been sorely neglected this past month or so. I hereby delcare that I will make a concentrated effort to get in here and make a post a day! Ok, well, we'll see how that goes. ;)

I had such an exciting day on Etsy yesterday. I made it to 100 sales!! Yippee!! Yay!! Major, overwhelming excitement for me! I'm still a bit behind in my orders, but I'm working really hard to get them done. Some just take longer than others and that's what slows me down.

I decided that since I haven't been on here in so long, it would be a good idea to post a little bit about myself and my life. I even have a couple of pics to post. I finally have a pic where I don't think I look horrid. That's a miracle in and of itself.

This is myself and my son Ethan, who is 8.
Isn't he a handsome little devil? He was upset at his big sister in the background because she was horning in on our picture. He's a bit sensitive sometimes. ;)

This is my daughter Adara (seen cackling madly in the background above) Isn't she gorgeous?? She starts highschool next year and I'm so worried about her! ;)

So, that's me and my kids. I don't have any pics of my hubby right now, but trust me, he's real. ;)

Have a great day!


High Desert Diva said...

Hello! Always nice to see the face behind the store!

TenJewel said...

Congrats on reaching 100 sales!!!

Beki - TheRustedChain said...

What a great looking family! :)

Angie said...

congradulations on your 100th sale!!! That super exciting! :)

MGoodell said...

congrats! You have a beautiful family!

not extravagant said...

Congrats BQ! 100 sales- that's super! Keep up the great work.
Adorable kids too ;)

Carry Grace said...

I have seen you in the etsy forums, it's nice to put a face with your store. You have great looking kids!

Unknown said...

wow...i didnt know there was anyone else out there with the same name as me...my name is adara also....

About Me

I am a 37 year old Stay At Home mom with two wonderful children. I love creating and designing new and interesting graphics for stores, websites and blogs. It gives me an outlet for creativiity that would otherwise simply fester and die inside me. ;)
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