Saturday, February 23, 2008

Random Ramblings

I didn't get my feature done today, so I'm filling up space with random ramblings. ;)

I think Etsy gave most of us heart failure today with the site meltdown. I for one sat in front of my computer compulsively hitting refresh and rebooting. I just couldn't figure it out! So much for saying I could give up on Etsy anytime. Apparently, I'm an Etsy Addict.

Hello, my name is Deon and I am an Etsy Addict....

Come on, admit it. You are too! Tell us all about your Etsy addiction. You'll feel much better once you admit to it. It's cleansing. ;)

The only thing that really bothers me about the whole thing is losing my views. Honestly, in my old crochet shop I wouldn't have worried about it. In my Banner Queen shop, it hurts. I feel like it makes me look like a really unpopular designer. But, I guess a fresh start never hurt anyone!

Well, those are my rambling thoughts for today. Check back tomorrow for something interesting!

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!


missknits said...

lol hi deon i am melissa, and i too am an etsy addict! lol yes i kept hitting refresh too! at first i thought it was my comp, i kept restarting and clearing cache, ack! etsy better not do that again!!

GiDu said...

Hello my name is Gina and I am an Etsy addict...I was going through the same thing today that you were. I felt like my whole world was falling apart!

Alexis said...

Hi my name is Alexis and I'm an Etsy addict. :) Don't get too frazzled over the loss of views... I felt the same way at first, too, but then I realized that as an active buyer on Etsy I don't really pay attention to views. If I find something I like, I'll buy it regardless of whether or not it's popular. Your shop rocks, and nothing's gonna change that!


Regina said...

I have to admit to a brief moment of panick! I am so glad we are all back together again. =)

Anonymous said...

You're a crack up! I thought they were putting us all into detox, major withdrawals over here, LOL!

Rosebud Collection said...

You are right..I am an addict..I kept hitting the button too and couldn't figure out what was wrong. Finally, had to wean myself off the computer.

Amy Yang said...

Hey Deon :) I second the don't get too frazzled about the views. I mean if it makes you look unpopular, then all the designers look unpopular because you're all in the same boat. I'm taking the opportunity to start keeping track of my views each day to see if maybe certain days are better than others for views and I should list more on those days. Trying to see the positive side, lol.

Distressing Delilah a.k.a. jenn said...

hmm, didn't notice it...was working..however..I am an etsy addict!

Anonymous said...

Yup, I'm an addict too

UniqueNurseGranny said...

You are far from alone.I wear Etsy earrings for shows.

UniqueNurseGranny said...

You are not alone.I often wear Rtsy earrings...

Jennifer Rose said...

*raises hand* Hi my name is jen/fuzzy and I am an Etsy addict. I can't help it, there are so many wonderful things to see and too many threads to read to not get addicted. I see the fancy soaps that look like cake and want to eat them :p
(not too worried about the views disappearing, looks kinda bad if something has been seen a lot and no one has bought it)

not extravagant said...

etsy addict here too. i don't think i can bear to go on vacation without a computer.
love the shops you are featuring Deon!

pops said...

oh banner -- what a FABULOUS feature on juju!!! she is so incredible and her shops are sensational!!! what a great surprise for her! i love it! all the best to everyone! take care...pops

About Me

I am a 37 year old Stay At Home mom with two wonderful children. I love creating and designing new and interesting graphics for stores, websites and blogs. It gives me an outlet for creativiity that would otherwise simply fester and die inside me. ;)
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