Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Bunny Butt Apothecary

As those of you who are regular visitors to my blog know, I try to feature an Etsy seller whom I`ve designed for. Well, in my infinate wisdom, I forgot to ask someone permission yesterday. So, instead, I posted in the Business and Marketing forum asking who would like to be my feature today. I woke up to 7 pages of requests!

It was so difficult to pick just one, but in the end, I just couldn`t resist the Bunny Butt. As a current slave to my bun Fred, and having seen the bunny butt so often in my own home, it made my choice easy and obvious!

So, without further ado (or boring stories from me! LOL!) Here is Bunny Butt Apothecary!!

Lets start with the shop announcement

You've reached the Bunny Butt Apothecary, LLC - purveyors of fine hand-crafted soap, balms, butters, perfumes, and other lovely smelly things. Here at Bunny Butt, we firmly adhere to the principle that what goes on your body, goes in your body. That's why we're here to bring you no-nonsense bath and body that's as fresh as it gets and show once and for all that natural can smell darn pretty!

Now onto the fun stuff. Product!! ;

Rosemary Mint Soap

I think I could eat this!! Wowzers!

Or, how about some Mojito Whipped Body Butter!

Or of course you could choose Zen Facial Butter!

I`m sure by now, you can all see why I chose Bunny Butt Apothecary as my featured seller for today.

Not only is the shop name absolutely hilarious, but the photo`s are absolutely stunning, the product is wonderful and amazinly well priced. Plus everything is vegan. It doesn`t get any better than this people!!

Be sure to stop by Bunny Butt Apothecary. Stay for a while, take a look around and treat yourself to something pretty! Just click on her banner (which was NOT made by me, by the way!) to get to her store.

Have a great day everyone!


earth and sun folk said...

wow....everything looked so goooood!! off to visit her shop now :) thanks for sharing....great write up!

Regina said...

Beautiful product images. They practically sell themselves!

Shannon said...

Oh, what a great find. That soap sounds marvelous. And such great photos of everything. :)

monamigreetings said...

What a great feature! And very nice of you to do this.

thanks for visiting my blog :)

timothy said...

i love your banners.....awesome looking blog!

my blog

TexasTesla said...

Mmmm...I'm practically drooling!

Human Touch Designs said...

Very nice feature article! And I love the work you do... I'm sure you'll be hearing from me soon for some shop updates!

MGoodell said...

cool stuff, I love the name, certainly gets your attention...

karlita said...

yummie, i would eat it too!!

Dharma Designs said...

I love Bunny Butt!

femputer said...

lol the bunny butt *is* irresistible! :) What a great shop.

Kylie Bowers said...

Wow you featured a fantastic shop, well done.
Love your Banners by the way :)

bijouxboutique said...

Lovely feature
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Anonymous said...

Great feature and some awesome products! The name doesn't hurt any either! LOL

not extravagant said...

Visited this shop and hearted it! I love it- great job!

Rose-Segrest said...

Totally agree with you on that first soap, so scrumptious looking

pops said...

i love bunnybutt! my daughter bought me some delicious face cream and it is fabulous!!! by the way banner -- the LOGO is to DIE for!!! can't tell you how much i love it -- it is truly what stood out and made us pick the product -- so it is a win win -- great all the way around plus a jersey bunny! : ) thanks and take care...pops

About Me

I am a 37 year old Stay At Home mom with two wonderful children. I love creating and designing new and interesting graphics for stores, websites and blogs. It gives me an outlet for creativiity that would otherwise simply fester and die inside me. ;)
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